Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Going Yard II

Just once...

Anyone who reads this that is a power hitter, just look away. This is for the little guys.

I've always been a slap hitter. Well almost always.

When I was a kid, even though I was born a lefty and did almost everything left-handed, I was a natural right-handed hitter. Think Ricky Henderson with a short jewish guy's speed.

I was a decent hitter, and I had pop from the right side. I pulled everything. One time I was in a slump. I had this coach named Eddie Cohen. He looked like a cross between Don Zimmer and Popeye to me. He was tough. He yelled at me "Well you are lefthanded, why don't you just hit left handed???" After that, I became a switch hitter. I had much better control left handed, and to this day I can hit it all over the field, except one place - the traditional right center power gap. So no, I have never hit the ball over a fence in organized softball.

One time my friend Don and I went up to this field in Oakland that had short fences - 250-265 feet all over the outfield. I was going to have him pitch it to me until I hit one over. I had my new Miken Freak Plus Bat...it was gonna happen.

Well it didn't. I even moved out in front of the plate. I was just getting tired. The ball kept falling shorter and shorter. Finally, I gave up.

So no, I still haven't done it, but I swear one time I will.

Just once...please?

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