Monday, May 23, 2016

The Glass is Half Full

If Kruk and Kuip and Miller and Flem were doing their player of the game schtick on the post-game wrap after our Transdyn game, it would go like this: First someone would take Chopper for getting a sweet hit down the right field line with the bases loaded in the second when the score was still 0-0. This turned out to be the Game Winning RBI as he plated two.

The next would take D for his huge 2 run blast to right center the following inning that increased the lead to 5-0. We all knew the game was over at that point.

Then the third announcer would take me, just for the novelty of getting the base runner interference call in the fourth or fifth inning. It broke the back of any potential rally that inning.

Then Jon Miller would say something like, "I don't know what game you guys were watching. Did you notice that the game was a shutout? in slowpitch softball? And then they would all laugh as Jon picked Tom as the game's MVP. Not only did he pitch his personal second shutout in two days (the night before he tossed one in Livermore), but he made the defensive play of the game, a sharp grounder that he snared out of the air and turned into a crisp 1-6-3 double play.

Including Tom, our defense continues to dominate the league. We have now allowed 28 runs in 6 games - that's 4.67 runs per game for you non-math majors. our hitting isn't too bad either as we trail only the Sons of Pitches in runs scored and they have played an extra game.

The glass is now half full - we are 6-0 after the first half of the season. This week we play the Sons of P again - I won't say that the race is over if we win, but let's just say I will smell regular season cotton if we put it to them. We would be two games up on the loss side plus tie breaker guaranteed with five games left. Fill 'er up!


D             200 r (#10)
Chopper  10 bb (#11)
Brian        10 bb (#22)

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