Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bald Guys

Why is it that Bald Guys can play all day in the sun without a cap on?

If I start a game without covering my head, by the second inning I have skin cancer. Not to mention the sunburn. I almost always forget to put on the sunscreen until the 4th inning too. I actually did get a basal carcinoma from too much sun on my nose, and while not life threatening, it was no picnic when the dermatologist excavated nearly to my brain stem to remove it.

And I don't even want to talk about what would happen in my growing bald spot.

Bald Guys go out there daring the sun with impunity to even bestow upon them the slightest red mark on their naked scalps; you never see them suffering. And they get the girls too. Life sucks.

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