Sunday, June 17, 2012


For some reason, Jimmy Durante and the quote above popped into my mind as I thought about what to write about tonight's game. That's how hot we were.

Just to summarize - we have now outscored the opponents 54-1 in the last three games, including the drubbing we put on the BBQ's tonight 26-0. And 106-12 in the last six of our eight game winning streak. Not all of them have been slouches like tonight's opponent.

Team batting average of .705, a season high along with the 26 runs.

A few contributors had stupendous games. Reg was 4-4 with a walk and included an over the fence homer and two doubles. Chopper was 4-4 with an inside the park round tripper and six RBIs. Big D was 3-3 with a double off the fence, a triple and a walk, and Heffe was the same without the extra base hits. He settled for a patented liner to left and a couple of surgical placements up the middle. Randy, Chuck, Haze, Joe, and Gerry each had three hits, and Ol' G had the magic number four - four times up, four times on, four times scored, and four RBIs. On D, fine running catches in the outfield by slow old infielders Gerry and Heffe after we had a big lead. Heffe showed his cojones by going out for a second inning in RC after getting the Stink Eye, Stink Mouth, and Stink Breath from you-know-who. His writer will probably be shot for this too. Thank god nothing came his way to jeopardize the shutout. Could have gotten ugly.

Of course the awesome defensive play was the game ender. Personally I could not believe how high Randy got for that liner, and how acrobatic it was. The reason he will be rookie of the year will not just be because Randy is the only rookie this year. His defense, his hitting and his demeanor say everything there is to say about being a team player with great talent. I predict he will never get the Stink Eye either.

The hurt we put on the BBQ's tonight should have warranted "Barbequed BBQ's" in the headline. Three years ago the BBQ's upset us on a night we only scored two runs. I don't think any of us will ever let that happen again.

But Jimmy Durante and his schnozzola just played in my head. Ha-cha-cha-chaaaaaaa!

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