Friday, June 26, 2015

Reds as a Beat

We broke out like gangbusters - six straight hits, including a two run bases loaded knock by Ol' G, and culminating in a three run turf home run by Chopper, and rode it out to an eventual 11-9 Conehead win over the Reds.

It wasn't our finest offensive hour. The Reds are a team we usually fatten up against - we have scored 40+ runs on them three times in the last 8 years, and the average score over that period has been 32-13. Granted some of those games were in the long lost 9 inning game years, but still this was a pitchers' duel in comparison to those days. We never came close to a Conehead inning after the first.

It looks like the Reds have actually picked up a few new players that are decent, so maybe this is a good win. On D, Ol'g G showed he still has it when he stopped a turf speed smash to his right. And Bruce continued to try to get me to call him the Say Hey Kid with his umpteenth backet catch on a nice running play in the early innings.

Peggy Sue, a.k.a. the Say Hey Kid also had the best hit of the day when he split the center fielders for a run scoring triple in the fifth. When he scored it gave us a seven run lead. Then we allowed the Reds to come back and actually tie us in the next two innings. Bruce led off the seventh with a double, and when he and Ol' G scored to give us a two run lead, it seemed like it might not be enough of a the Reds had scored seven the last two innings. But Joe mowed them down in the bottom of the seventh, and we snuck off with the 11-9 win. A Win's a Win, right?

Chuck        1102 h (#1)
Chopper     10 gw (#11)
Chopper     250 h (#18)

Reds Scores:
2007, 42-13, 30-17
2008, 33-17, 26-16
2009, 26-12, 32-13
2010, 23-5
2011, 52-29
2012, 46-11
2013, 17-9
2014, 24-9

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