Saturday, April 21, 2012


There is Oktoberfest; there are a variety of Beerfests and Brewfests and a Seafood Fest. In music there is a Country Fest and for the green crowd an Earthfest. Tuesday night we had the Sluggerrfest.

The Blue Dots have some impressive hitters. They are an offensive juggernaut. They trot out a fearsome lineup. Rusty, the former Tuesday night umpire turned Blue Dot pitcher, who also hits a ton, is now full time. Tuesday night they were the first to get to the two over the fence limit. They hit three altogether. We can argue whether their bats are shaved or not - but the last few times we played them it became a secondary point, and Tuesday was no different as we trounced them 27-18. We have now beaten them four times in a row, and if I weren't superstitious I would say it is approaching ownage. We have to face them once more in the regular season, so I don't want to go that far - they are talented enough that it's anyone's game whenever we play.

But we have something they don't. We didn't have our best defensive game, but we made almost all the routine plays and they gifted us several runs by playing lackadaisical defense. Rusty was unexpectedly wild. In the critical bottom of the second, after Blue Dots had taken an 8-4 lead, the bottom of our order stared things with a walk to Coop, a double play ball turned E1, and a walk to Monty. This set the table for six straight hits and a nine run rally from which we never looked back. I always say, if the bottom of the order hits, we win, but the corollary is if the bottom of the order loads the bases with no outs, we win. Coop was a big factor - including his leadoff walk he was on three times including a hustle triple. And Monty played his first game in months and went 2 for 3 with the key walk and a double.

The big blow in that inning was game MVP Woody's three run HR, a line shot over the right fielder and then over the fence in a hurry. Woody had three hits and five RBIs all told. Not to be outdone, RB blasted a shot that seemed to clear the trees in right and must have hit the street beyond for his own three run HR in the eight run inning that followed in the third. RB ended the game with six RBIs.

The whole team was hot - Jason, Timmy, D, and Hammer were all on three times or more. Mario also hit a blast over the fence, but unfortunately it was our third so was only a single. We will take that any time though. In fact there was only one o-fer, but I won't mention any names. I'll just say it eases the pain of going hitless when your team shellacs a quality opponent.

We out hammered them and outpitched them too. The game started ominously as they plated four before there were two outs. But Sir Guy induced two foul ball strike outs, and it led to our comeback and subsequent thrashing. and he started the 1-6-3 double play to end the game.

Pleasanton kills me. They only mow the grass on Wednesdays, so we always get a jungle where balls roll to a stop when they get through the infield. This week was even worse - it rained last Wednesday and onward in the week, so not only was there more growth but they neglected to mow it at all. I am sure Jason's socks were soaked after chasing balls into the outfield.

Fifty six runs in two games, not a bad start. Twenty six more than anyone else. And imagine what happens when I start to hit.

BASBHAT, the other 2-0 team on deck. Time to take control of the league.


Monty        300 g (#2)
D               100 rbi (#14)

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