Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wherefore Art Thou Gidget?

The Raiders did not show up for their game Tuesday, and lost badly to the Wolfpack, 29-19. And it wasn't that close. I should say sparkplug Gidget Blaquera was out and the rest of us did not pick up the slack.

The game started out well enough as Barry Walter and Mike Smith made great catches for the first two outs. But before we could get the third one, the Pack poured on five runs and never looked back. They scored five in five different innings in the rout. We could just match that once in the desperation eighth when we went in trailing 29-13. 

Manager Jay Sankey did go 5-5. Don Ott was 4-5 with a couple of doubles. Ray Oducayen hit a couple of gappers and was 3-4 and led the team with four RBIs. Steve Brown, Gino Ilacqua, and Jim Dietrich also had three hits apiece.

The Raiders have next week and the holiday week off to lick their wounds and get a fresh start in the next set of games. Gidget will be back!

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