Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Crows Take the Roar Out of Leo's, 19-5

It's your fair weather blogger here. The Crows had a rough patch to start the season, perhaps part hangover from a fabulous Winter season, but mostly because we lost a few key pieces. I had no words.

But today, we showed who we are when we have our guys playing.

First off, Howard and then Ed on the mound had a much improved Leo's team eating out of their hands. Don had a moment of managerial genius - he picked just the right time to make the switch from Howard to Ed. Howard only allowed one three run inning and Ed one two run frame - that's seven zeroes.

Charlie made a couple of nice plays at SS, and Ed, Barry and Dave made some fine catches. But Anthony had the grab of the game that shut down a rally ranging far toward right field to cut off a potential gapper.

The other play of the game, of course, was the popup to first where the runner strayed and couldn't figure out how to get by my wide body to return to the base. Unassisted double play. He was out three ways - I tagged him, tagged the base and he actually interfered with me. Unfortunately we couldn't bank the extra outs for the next inning.

Everyone had at least two hits. There were a number of clutch hits. Charlie had a two out hit to bring in the fourth and fifth runs in the fifth. Ed did likewise the next inning, but we totaled five runs without an out in that one. His hit followed a bases loaded three run gapper by Heffe and a double by Howard, who was 4-5. Don also had four hits, including a triple, plus a walk for a perfect day. Charlie joined them with four knocks. Ed also had the power shot of the day, a line shot down the right field for a triple. He and Anthony and Dave B and Heffe (who led the team with four RBIs) had three hits.

What a difference a couple of players makes. We showed we still belong in this league, but if we can play pretty flawlessly like we did today, we can do some more damage.

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