Monday, September 23, 2019

Attention Span

It has been called to my attention that after our brutal loss two weeks ago, I was quick to take up the virtual pen, but last week, when we played a nearly flawless game and drubbed the East Bay Long Strokers senseless to the tune of 16-1, I failed to get it down on paper.

Tom's feelings were hurt.

We don't want that!

In my defense, as a senior citizen, I actually thought I had already published the praise. Better get some of that memory improving medicine.

The first story of the game was classic Transdyn/Kapsch defense. In the first inning, Pauly tied a record with all three putouts: one was a pop up, one was a line shot, but it was the third that was outstanding. One of the speedy youngsters was trying to take an extra base on a hit to right center. But Bo was having none of that, and fired a one hopper all the way to third, and Pauly made a great catch and swipe tag to wipe the guy out. Set the tone for the game; they scored one in the second and that was it.

Along the way, Cage made two nearly identical diving catches in shallow left center that were classic Nick. Throwback stuff.

And Tom had the Strokers stroking their collective beards trying to figure out his mixture or pitches. He even had a K on a foul ball strike three.

The hitting was really very encouraging - we scored every inning and built up to a seven run fifth that gave us the 15 run slaughter. D had the walkoff single for our last run, and who knows how long it would have kept going?

Bert didn't hit it out but had four straight slashing line drive singles for a perfect game. Similarly Hama had one of those games where he put it wherever he wanted and was 3-3. D had three hits too including the one that put them away. Rusty had a towering blast to left, a two run homer that provided the power. Everyone in the lineup had at least one hit, and scored a run.

We clinched the playoffs with the win, and we still could finish third. Doesn't much matter, since all we have to do is win two games in the playoffs next week. But still, a win tomorrow would keep our momentum building to the playoffs.

B            10 sf (#16)

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