Tuesday, May 8, 2018

It Wasn't in the Cards, White Washes Out 21-13

There were three separate games between the Cardinal and White today. We won one, they won one, and we tied one.

Unfortunately, the one that counted was the overall score and the Cardinal whooped us 21-14 in that game.

For the first four innings, timely defense and hitting kept the Cardinal in their nest, and we assumed an 8-3 lead. We kept the big hitters from hurting us too badly - we threw out Lee Namanny trying to stretch a hit into a double, we threw out Chewy Little recklessly going to third base. Yours truly made a couple of scoops at first - on the first one in the first the runner was called safe, and we all know the history of the Cardinal calls on close ones (see Game 1). But the second scoop minimized the damage, and kept the Bird to two runs in the opening inning. In the second, a Clay Kallam to Mike Guerrero to Dave Siegel double play shut them out in that frame. In the fourth, on a single, a relay from David Partridge to Mike Saindon to Mike Guerrero covering second cut down Namanny, and held them to a single run.

In the mean time, we scored four in the third with the biggest hit a double by the shortish first baseman. In the fourth five of six hit singles, including RBI hits by Neil Henry, Rich Brown, and Paul Lisi, as we turned the lineup over to plate three.

But in the fifth through the seventh, the Cardinal dominated, scoring 13 runs to take a commanding 17-9 lead. Namanny drove in six or seven of those alone on two hits, I think. Our offense shut down in the meantime and we could answer with but a single run over four innings on a double by Saindon.

In the last part of the game, we tied 4-4. We rallied again in the ninth, as we did last game, with Brown providing fireworks with a blast over Namanny's head in left field for two run triple. But it was too little too late, and we never really got them nervous.

Saindon, who was supposed to be out with a broken finger on his throwing hand for months, returned unexpectedly after the doctor determined it was just a little boo-boo. Then he took a ball off that hand in the first inning and we all held our collective breath until he said he was fine. I think he just wanted to bandage and splint that middle finger last week so he could show us what-for. But the point is, sore finger and all he led us with four hits.

Brown and Lisi were next with three knocks, and Kravin had two and a walk. Also enjoying multiple hit games were Partridge, Dave Rose, Guerrero, Helen Kostoff, and Coach Henry.

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