Believe it or not, I try really hard to not make this about me. I mean, I am but one small cog on my teams.
But Tuesday night in our Transdyn game, we beat the Brews Bros so thoroughly that the only drama was when Tom gave up a solo home run in the bottom of the fifth with the score 17-2 and we had to play another inning. And then in the sixth another (and then another but it was just a single since they had the limit two). So the final score was 17-7, and it wasn't that close. What to write about?
Well, I am bitter.
Why are you bitter, you ask?
I'm glad you asked. Here's the thing. The Brews Bros' pitcher, who knows D and maybe some others on our team through his father, came up to D and me as we watched the Sons of Pitches win the game before ours. He was real friendly-like, and chatted with D, and then introduced himself to me. He noted that he was the pitcher that night (little did we know that his wildness would greatly help our cause) and somehow the subject of home runs came up and I noted how I no longer have the power I never had - and he volunteered to throw me a gopher ball during the game. What a nice young man, I thought.
And then, the game. He gave me nada. Unless maybe his definition of gopher ball is different than mine. Because in the first inning he walked me on four pitches with the bases loaded to give me an RBI. There was my gift, because after that I couldn't get it out of the infield.
Bitter. Gopher, my ass.
Luckily, between the eight walks he issued we had plenty of guys to bang the ball off and over the wall.
The big blow was in the top of the third. We nursed a 3-2 lead through the second and D brought home our fourth run with a single (his second of three in a row). Up stepped Bert and towered one over the left field fence and suddenly it was 7-2 and this one was over. Clutch two out hits by Mario and a two-bagger by Jas, and it was 10-2 by inning's end. We added on in the next two innings until it was the aforementioned 17-2.
Cage continued his tear through this season with two scorched doubles including one to straight-away center (!) among four hits. He's hitting a cool .800. Only a lightning quick line drive right at the third baseman's glove kept him from a five for five night. Rusty had a very interesting night - it's hard to say they walked him intentionally since we had eight altogether but he had three his first three times up. Then he added a run scoring single to make it a perfect night. Bert led the way with six RBIs all told in a 3-3-and a SF night.
The defense was solid, but really Tom made it easy on us. Brian gets the walking wounded award, he took a couple of really bad hops off his body. We turned one DP. Rene made a great catch in the dusk gloom when the light is toughest.
Still perfect, one more win and we make it halfway through the season unblemished. Let's get it next game!
But I won't listen to the opposing pitcher any more. Damned millennials.
D 20 gw (#3)
Mario 600 ab (#10)
Jas 150 rbi (#13)
Brian 50 r (#32)
But Tuesday night in our Transdyn game, we beat the Brews Bros so thoroughly that the only drama was when Tom gave up a solo home run in the bottom of the fifth with the score 17-2 and we had to play another inning. And then in the sixth another (and then another but it was just a single since they had the limit two). So the final score was 17-7, and it wasn't that close. What to write about?
Well, I am bitter.
Why are you bitter, you ask?
I'm glad you asked. Here's the thing. The Brews Bros' pitcher, who knows D and maybe some others on our team through his father, came up to D and me as we watched the Sons of Pitches win the game before ours. He was real friendly-like, and chatted with D, and then introduced himself to me. He noted that he was the pitcher that night (little did we know that his wildness would greatly help our cause) and somehow the subject of home runs came up and I noted how I no longer have the power I never had - and he volunteered to throw me a gopher ball during the game. What a nice young man, I thought.
And then, the game. He gave me nada. Unless maybe his definition of gopher ball is different than mine. Because in the first inning he walked me on four pitches with the bases loaded to give me an RBI. There was my gift, because after that I couldn't get it out of the infield.
Bitter. Gopher, my ass.
Luckily, between the eight walks he issued we had plenty of guys to bang the ball off and over the wall.
The big blow was in the top of the third. We nursed a 3-2 lead through the second and D brought home our fourth run with a single (his second of three in a row). Up stepped Bert and towered one over the left field fence and suddenly it was 7-2 and this one was over. Clutch two out hits by Mario and a two-bagger by Jas, and it was 10-2 by inning's end. We added on in the next two innings until it was the aforementioned 17-2.
Cage continued his tear through this season with two scorched doubles including one to straight-away center (!) among four hits. He's hitting a cool .800. Only a lightning quick line drive right at the third baseman's glove kept him from a five for five night. Rusty had a very interesting night - it's hard to say they walked him intentionally since we had eight altogether but he had three his first three times up. Then he added a run scoring single to make it a perfect night. Bert led the way with six RBIs all told in a 3-3-and a SF night.
The defense was solid, but really Tom made it easy on us. Brian gets the walking wounded award, he took a couple of really bad hops off his body. We turned one DP. Rene made a great catch in the dusk gloom when the light is toughest.
Still perfect, one more win and we make it halfway through the season unblemished. Let's get it next game!
But I won't listen to the opposing pitcher any more. Damned millennials.
D 20 gw (#3)
Mario 600 ab (#10)
Jas 150 rbi (#13)
Brian 50 r (#32)
He couldn't have thrown a fat strike up there even if he wanted to. /great pitching and great defense guys. Way to be patient and jump on the strikes when you get them.