For the Coneheads, the last couple of wins have been as important as any regular season softball games can be (which is to say...). We sent Dub MD packing 18-14 (wasn't that close, a 12 run Conehead inning did in WMD). And even more importantly, this week we walked off on the Cream and Clear, last year's champs, 12-11.
The thing about the Coneheads is, though, that we are older than all the competition, and even though we have a lot of talent in the lineup, I think we need to step up the intimidation factor on these youngsters. In time for the playoffs, when the games really count.
Seems like we have new uniforms every season, and soon many of us devolve into wearing whatever shirt happens to have gotten washed that week. We need a unifying, signature look. So here is what I am proposing - new hats. They will look like this:
Now you may laugh, but really can you see the distraction it will cause for the other teams?
And - bonus - the girls love them:
This could be you!
Speaking of guys with issues with their bald heads,

Derek carried the day in Monday's game. After inheriting a 3-3 tie from Joe, he gave up a three run rally in the top of the third, but settled down for a couple of scoreless innings after that.
Going into the bottom of the fifth, we trailed by a run, and back to back two run doubles by Lefty and Randy put us up by three. Not exactly a Conehead inning. It seemed tenuous and proved to be so, as the Clear came roaring back and matched that output to retake a one run lead. But we had the secret weapon. Joe re-entered the game at the mound, and shut them down in the seventh. I don't even remember them getting anyone on base.
In the bottom of the seventh, Pope gave it up to take a walk to lead off, putting the tying run on base. D singled him to third, and Randy put one deep into the outfield to make sure game was tied on his sac fly. Lefty followed up with another single sending the winning run to third, setting the stage for Ol' G, one of our RBI machines. I'm sure he had visions of a single to center or another fly ball to sacrifice the game winner home but just to make it interesting, he hit a hard grounder to second. With one out, Cream and Clear tried to turn the DP instead of going home, but G hustled up the line and beat out the relay throw and another win was in the books. Walk off FC!
Lefty led the way with four hits, including a double and a triple - he takes that lineup demotion very seriously. In fact, he is a very serious guy. Downright analytical. Like, he thinks, "Which team has the most post-game beer?" That's where I need to be..." He also drove in four of our eleven runs. No one else had more than two hits, but everyone was on base at least once.
The previous game featured Bruce with five RBIs on a double and a triple, Randy with 4 RBIs on 2 doubles, a single and a sac fly, and Pope and Chopper going 3-3. They accounted for eight of the twelve RBIs in the Conehead inning.
With H.B.F. losing we are in first place alone. For you Coneheads that means it's simple - if we win out, we will have the top seed for the playoffs. Keep that under your (new) hat.
Pope 500 r (#5)
Chopper 250 rbi (#17)
Ol' G 10 gw (#12)
D 20 sf (#13)
Lefty 40 2b (#16)
Chopper 200 r (#17)
*Note: In the Conehead movie, Beldar Conehead was both a "respected taxi driver" (Wikipedia) and driving instructor...
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