Saturday, May 16, 2015

What's in a (Nick) Name?

Athletes love to give each other nicknames. My old friend and teammate George (Top Gun) was infamous for giving everyone nicknames on my original team. We started out as a Chevron work team, and he gave nicknames to everyone in our work group in addition to the softball team. Archie, Maynard, Sir Guy, Squint, Boom Boom (don't ask) were just a few.

JFT/Coneheads only has a few and most came with them, Heffe, Chopper, Lefty. Others have not stuck - Chico for Chuck, for example. I just can't imagine him rapping with Carlos Santana in Spanish. You can't force it. Reggie a.k.a. Sting has been the exception. Anyone that was at that game at JFK and saw him sitting down in the outfield in a panic taking of his shoes and socks when that hornet took liberties through his clothes will never forget the sight.

Sunday's was pretty ho-hum as JFT games go, we kind of sleepwalked through a 14-4 victory over the Masterbatters that was never in any doubt. The most exciting hitting exhibition was Knight going yard with a walk-off home run, and it was a walk-off because we ran out of time, or I should say the Masterbatters ran out of time.

Randy went a perfect 3-3 with a double. D had the only other extra base hit, an opposite field laser to Concord on which he hobbled into second base with a double. Other than that a bunch of guys had a pair of hits, and scored a bunch of runs.

So I was left to ponder what the best defensive plays were, and I came up with my dive to take a hit down the line from one of their few good hitters, a lefty. Not easy for a 60 year old to go down and get that one, backhanded at that. Routine for Chuck I know, but still, not too shabby. And nothing else stuck out.

But you don't want to toot your own horn, too much, and I remembered a line shot headed to the LC gap that Bruce leapt up and grabbed. It only seemed not that outstanding because it was so graceful and he got there so fast, he hardly needed to jump, and made it look routine. Dare I say he looked like Pegasus, the horse of the Gods, and for those who don't know who that is, look it up. When Bruce runs, he is like a stallion with wings, galloping but gliding at the same time. I swear when he goes from first to second base it's like three strides.

Pegasus is a little awkward for a nickname, so let's shorten it, say to Peggie Sue. Bruce 'Peggie Sue' Reed. There. No one will be the wiser and they all will ask, how the hell did you get that nick name?

Think it will fly?


Randy          10 2b (#14)

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