Johnny Steele is off to live out his days in Big Sky country, and the Coneheads will miss him.
He shoulda been a porn star with a name like that: Johnny Steele, Longer and Wider.
I'll admit it, I looked it up, there's a gay porn star but no hetero equivalent, so maybe it's not too late.
On the other hand, while most of us take some time to acquire our softball nicknames, John came without a need to get one - he real name has it all.
And when he roped a ball over the left fielder's head, as he often did, it made perfect sense - it was as if his arms and bat were made of steel.
There is another comparison. Clark Kent's alter ego was known as the Man of Steel. Like Clark, Johnny was a mile mannered truly great teammate - most of the time. But he did have a bit of a temper and there was the fabulously funny episode when he got into it with his Old Scout teammates on the other side of the field, and ironically the Coneheads had to prepare to defend him, AS AN OPPONENT, in that case.
Mostly, he hit line drive singles and scurried with speed around the bases. But once in a while, he snuck into the phone booth, and took off his softball uniform and emerged with his tights and his cape and bombed one to left.
You could put him anywhere on defense, and he played fly balls and grounders with equal skill. And never complained whether he was in left field, right field, rover, shortstop, catcher, wherever., or batting first, second, or 11th in the order. Just played the game, right, and supported his teammates all around.
And could hold his own in the jibber-jabber over post game beers just as well.
We'll miss you Johnny. Our loss is Big Sky's gain. Take care.